Thursday, February 28, 2008


I'm not entirely sure why Wright would have felt gratified after showing others his writing, except that when someone has created something that they are proud of, showing it to someone is always gratifying. Also, in a way, his writing was sort of like a miniature triumph over his aunt and grandmother. The fact that he was supposed to be praying, and he had made it very clear that he did not believe in the religion of his family was extremely frurstrating, and the writing was sort of a way to vent the frustration and use it in a productive manner. Also, his writing was something more mature and intellectual that he had begun- something he hadn't really been involved in in the past. Though he had loved to read stories, he had never actually created them, and the feeling he got from reading stories was very gratifying. The fact that he was now creating stories and had the hope that sharing them with someone else would make them have the same feeling he got from reading stories would have been very exciting.


STEVE "B.Will" Willliams said...

Hey Tina!

Yes, like yourself, I too was kind of stumped on the question presented to our class about why Wright was gratified about sharing his work. I like your idea about the reason why he may be gratified, and the whole concept of him having already loved reading fictional stories. Wright had an intense feeling about stories that he hadn't experienced with anything else, and it may be very true that by creating something like this, which he really hadn't done before, he could also share that feeling with others and hope that the magicalness would be just as real to them as it was for him.

Good Blog :)

Tinyfirefly52 said...

I like and agree with what you said, but on top of that i think that another reason why he felt gratified was that he could show the world that he had something that truly belonged to him. In his entire life he has had to deal with what people gave him, whether it was his mom, his family, or the world at large. For the first time he can show the world something that he made, something that is his alone.

Xander said...

Hey Tina, I had a guess as to why Wright was gratified with showing the girl his work. I think it's an extension of what you said with the whole getting gratification out of showing someone else your work, and them recognizing that it it in fact yours. I think it has to do with the fact that it was his, and also the fact that the ideas presented in his writing were his, and he could understand it although no one else could.

Keep the poodgsga musky.