Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tuesdays class

I've always enjoyed English classes. Most people I know think that is strange, but it's true. It's because of the thought process and the ideas that are presented- I've always found it interesting that I can read something, and have a certain interperetation of it, or sometimes no interperetation of it, but after a class- AP english, and Mr. Priest's class last year- can walk away thinking something completely different. Most of the time they are conclusions that I would come to on my own if I were to sit and think about it for a while, but sometimes the interperetation of the teacher is completely different from what I had taken it to mean myself- in which case it is interesting to see two different interperetions. That kind of leads into the story we read for last night- the interperetations of a memoir. When Hample first states her "memory", she has written it in a way that fills in the empty spots in her memory with things that she wanted. This is perfectly okay, but of course inaccurate. Not that most memoirs are truly accurate, because the human memory isn't nessecarily accurate. However, what is important is what is taken away from the piece; the overall message that the piece delivers; the interperetation. This is why Hample explains her inaccuracies, even though explaining them causes the overall illusion of the piece to be destroyed.

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