Sunday, October 14, 2007

Other presentation post

ok so I'm a little late on this; I didn't realize we needed two.

I thought in general the presentations were all good; I mean, i don't remember anyone who did particularly horribly. One thing to take into account is the fact that almost none of us has had any sort of public speaking course, so we don't have a whole lot of background to go off of. I do understand why public speaking is so scary to a lot of people- someone can be extremely outgoing but still be a bad public speaker, because it takes a completely different type of skill (at least that's what I believe). It was a little bit nervewracking to go without my powerpoint, although I am sort of glad I did because I know I probably would have used the powerpoint as somewhat of a crutch. I don't really like to compare people and how they did, though the ones that stood out to me were the people that sounded a lot less speechlike and more conversational. Maggie and Allie stood out, because it was more like they were just talking about their organizations than making a speech, because to me a speech implies that there is somewhat of a wall between the audience and the speaker ( not that it nessecarily should be that way). Many people tried to include the audience by asking questions, which i think is beneficial. I never really thought of that. Overall, however, I found the speeches pretty good.

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