Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Awakening 1-4

This culture pisses. me. off.
O.K, I understand that it was the culture. But seriously, folks. How could it have never even crossed their minds that a woman is NOT in fact utterly devoted to her husband any more than her husband is utterly devoted to her? That she doesn't need to sit around all day and knit or chase after children? Or that if her husband has affairs, she is damn well allowed to, too?

Oh well. I must move past this.
I like Edna, although in the first four chapters she is not as dynamic a character as I would have hoped. She is in fact rather passive, as she doesn't address any of this oddity that she finds in creole life to anyone, but instead sits back and thinks about it. The crying scene shows the extent of that, although it is in fact probably her realization that something is wrong and that she can not be happy in a life like this. It is interesting how she has been dealing with it for so long. It is also interesting that she finds the culture with a lack of prudishness- they will talk about anything, just not do it.

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