Thursday, August 23, 2007

Wednesday's class

I found wednesday's discussion extremely interesting. Although I have read The Great Gatsby in the past, the discussion covered a lot of things that I haven't thought of before- such as, mankind's eternal struggle for the symbolic green light. Also, the similarities between Nickel and Dimed and The Great Gatsby are much more than what I had previously thought; the entire theme of creating a face to appear well off and rich was something that hadn't crossed my mind (at least in the case of Nickel and Dimed), but as we discussed it, i found it more and more to be true. In all, the classes and discussions on The Great Gatsby have been very interesting and enlightening, and it causes one to realize how a mediocre story on the surface (and on the surface, the story is pretty mediocre) can be changed into a great work by the use of symbolism and interpretation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good work. I'm glad you are getting more out of the book the second time around.