Sunday, October 7, 2007


Emerson's essay raises some interesting points- namely, that one needs to be an individual and needs to keep that awe of what it means to be human in order to be successful. I agree with him to some degree- however, it seems as though the world is pressuring people to not be individuals to succeed. Many people purposely keep a low profile, or follow what they are told because they are told that it will help them succeed, when in reality, it wont. Many celebrities that emerge on the scene trying to be individuals eventually get pounded into the same sort of stereotype that so many before them followed. However, I think it does take an individual to truly succeed- if someone can not rise above the masses and declare who they are and what they believe, they will not get anywhere. At the same time, there are many people with the courage and intelligence to do this very thing, and get nowhere. Success is very dependant on outside conditions, conditions that we have no control over. often simply being in the right place at the right time is a way to succeed, though of course one needs qualification. Emerson seemed to think that anyone with particular qualities or a particular mindset in the world could succeed- and he is quite possibly right, depending on what it means to succeed. If success is simply having a positive outlook on the world, sure, that is succes. However, I get the feeling that what he means is slightly more difficult- that success is more an outside thing, a money thing, or a family thing- and in that case, having only a positive outlook may help tremendously, and having these qualities may help tremendously, but there is never a 100% garauntee that a person is going to be "granted" with such success.

1 comment:

Mei-Mei said...

I think you brought up some good points. I agree with how society pressures us to conform and how that really doesn't create success. I also agree with the fact that outside conditions do have an impact, but I think that internal factors are also important. I think that there are two definitions or perspectives of success. Emerson talks about one side which is internal or what the person thinks. The other perspective is external from the people look at you.