Sunday, November 11, 2007

Incidents credibility

It is incredibly hard to pick a passage to blog about, seeing as the entire book is essentially a document of her honesty. However, the passage about her son getting bitten by the dog was particularly resonant with me. She didn't really have a reason to put it in there, other than the fact that it was a very strong memory, because of the effect it had on her child. She wasnt even involved in the event- she was hiding, and she expressed how much she was longing to go to her child. I am obviously not a mother, so i don't really know what this would be like, but I can imagine how horrible it would be to see your child injured in such a way and not to be able to go to him. It, in a way, depicted the sufferings of all the slaves, and how they can't help each other- I guess i am trying to make it into a symbol that it obviously wasn't meant to be, but the fact that she had such raw emotion in the scene adds to its credibility, and evokes sympathy for the slaves- therefore acheiving her goal of rallying the abolitionists.

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