Thursday, September 20, 2007


There is a very cliche saying that goes, "a picture is worth a thousand words"

in some cases, I wouldn't call that true. There are powerful pictures, and powerful pieces of writing; and there are also weak pictures and weak pieces of writing. In a general sense though, we are becoming a very visual society. a good picture can be extremely powerful. The censorship in the news is a perfect example of this- people can shape our ideas by showing very extreme pictures of something and little or no pictures of something else that they deem less important. A picture in and of itself can shape an opinion. However, it is very easy to get burned out on pictures. If a very powerful picture is shown too often, or too many extremely gruesome pictures are shown frequently, a person will get used to them, and therefore will no longer be moved. This is why although pictures are imortant, they have to be used sparingly, and dispersed within a good writing argument. This is the most effective way to use a picture to prove a point.

There are some that i dont agree with. for example, promoting being a good pet owner by only showing pictures of dogs that are neutered. I understand in the instance of the choke collar that the book mentions, but i believe that there is an extent in which some restrictions can violate freedom of speech. However, that is a discussion for a different day.

1 comment:

Liz Watkins said...

Your point about how if a picture is shown too many times you get tired of it is really interesting. I never thought of it that way, but it is true. Although why would they have to be within a written piece? Can a picture not stand on its own? Not that I don't agree with you, but I'm just asking.