Sunday, September 9, 2007


This is a particularly hard entry for me to write, simply because I don't have an opinion on the subject. The essay was very well-written and persuasive, and I don't like to think of myself as being swayed easily by argument, but the idea of torture as a device to prevent people from being killed seems valid. There are some circumstances that it should never be tolerated, such as, as punishment, because it can't change what has already happened. Also, often times, if a person knows they are going to die anyway, they will lie. In fact, I've always seen torture as a very unreliable way to extract information from someone, because the only threat one can use besides death is more torture, and if a person lies they will likely be killed anyway, or they will be killed after there is no need for them anymore. At least, that's what years of dramatic movies have taught me. For that specific reason, I don't believe that torture is the best way to go. However, I understand the argument behind it, and why in some cases, it would be effective in preventing disaster. However, I dont think that torture should ever take the place of investigation.

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